Tuesday, May 29, 2007

10 on Tuesday

This weekend I got a little downtime to play my favorite computer game. I don't play many and occasionally get hooked into some mindless Jewel Qwest (thanks to Mom who fed this addiction at Christmastime with a full CD version!) while listening to podcasts or procrastinating. But this weekend I had the chance to play a little Sims. Yep, I love the Sims. I'm not very good at it but I find it fascinating. (And if you have no idea what the Sims are here's a little intro: you create and control "Sims" or people, you get them jobs, build their homes, make them eat and talk and fight and so on. Yeah, it sounds weird but it's addicting. To watch and play!) So here's my 10 on Tuesday:
10 things going on with my newest Sim family
1. Sim Guy and Sim Girl do not get along so I had to buy a second bed, the cheaper "spartan" bed and now Sim Girl only gets 2 comfort points at night instead of the 4 she should be getting in the nice sleigh bed Sim Guy won't share!
2. Sim Guy had a good job as a playground supervisor which would have moved him up to substitute teacher soon. And then he overslept, three times. And got fired.
3. Sim Guy likes to nag Sim Girl about the house. Even though it's large and they have a maid and a gardener. Whatever!
4. Sim neighbors tend to come in and eat whatever food is about, a lot! And they have a tendency to stick around when it's time for bed.
5. The only job left in the Sim Times for my Sim Girl is for a pickpocket. I do not want to lead her into a life of crime but the gardener doesn't work for free and she runs out of energy every time she tries to water all the plants around the house herself!
6. Sim Guy has caught the stove on fire twice! And the last time it wouldn't go out and burnt down the stove and the counter next to it. And they could only afford a cheap stove. So less food points every time they try to cook.
7. Sim Guy is too depressed to paint but painting gets him fun points which lead to less depression. It's a vicious cycle!
8. Sim Girl has a hard time focusing on reading, which gets her fun points but she loves to chat with Sim Guy. And she tries hugging him a lot. He lets her but does not seem happy about it.
9. My Sims always pay their bills late. The envelopes turn yellow then red and there are late fees. This is troublesome.
10. My Sims seem to have budgeting issues, much like me. I have $53 left in the checkbook for 10 days....

So there you have it, my 10 on Tuesday. I know, I know, it seems like I have too much time on my hands but I really only played for about an hour and a half. Which in Sim time is like 3 weeks:-) And I don't let myself play much anymore (remember those long nights of Sims Eric? Andrea? Kristin? Ang? Susie????)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow I forgot about the Sims. I was addicted when I first got my computer. Perhaps I'll have to dig it out and fire it up again. I was never very good at it though. -Sus

brickmomma said...

fun times! we played at one time. i am organizing bean's closet...wish i could hire a sim!

Gracie said...

Yea for sims! I wish they made it for macs! How's everything going? When will you guys be in MI? We are leaving June 16th for Alexandria VA.

Laura said...

I no longer have any guilt for the time I spent on the Supernatural blogs with my crazy cyberfriends. ;-)

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

I think I need to check this game out. Sounds like a fun escape. Hope things are going well!