Monday, May 21, 2007

Things that make you go hmmm....

1) I started my morning off with a parent meeting, my most unfavorite way to start any day. And while bestowing the wrongs of her child onto this mother, I sat there thinking, trying not to judge, that perhaps he is mimicing her behavior and that is why he is getting into trouble. Here's a kid who gets dress coded for his ganster-like dress almost daily. And he gets detentions frequently for chewing gum and lying about it and for having an MP3 player on campus (the gum I can handle, I just make them spit it out, the lying - not so much, and the MP3 player is sore subject at our school). And there sits mom, smacking her gum loudly, talking over teachers, and when her cell phone goes off - the ring is an Eminem song. Yeah. I rest my case.
2) Ang and I got to yoga class early and were excited to get spots on the floor in the corner next to each other (last week the class had 14 and was too crowded, we were all smooshed). Well this older woman comes in and proceeds to tell anyone but us that we're in her spot, not quietly. She also says she hops her gas doesn't bother anyone now that she's not in the corner. Now maybe this was petty but I thought, if she asks us to move, we'll move. But she never approached us directly. She just kept shooting us looks. And set herself and her little fan up next to us. But let me tell you, next time we'll steer clear because she was right about the gas. I guess I am just not one for giving in when people are passive aggressive! However, I think I'll give into her on this one!
3) Why do teachers insist on making students in online, virtual classrooms, work in teams? I hate that! I start my new class tomorrow and already have seen in the syllabus that we have to work on group projects which is tough enough face-to-face, not to mention in virtual land.
4) Why is it that a great movie like Come Early Morning (written and directed by Joey Lauren Adams and starring Ashley Judd) doesn't get onto hardly any movie screens but so much crap makes it into wide-release. I know, I know, one person's crap is another's gold. Anyway, rent this one if you like slice of life films and a family that reminds me a little too much of my own!


The World through Angel's Eyes said...

HA! I just got done laughing out loud about your story of the lady at Yoga. Hasn't she heard of gas-x or beano? How can anyone relax and focus when someone is letting off a foul oder?
The story about your student, so sad but true.
And, thanks for the movie tip.
Good luck with your class today. I feel your pain!
Love you!

brickmomma said...

what a great post are so real and you make me laugh. i love you, much!

Laura said...

She goes to yoga class and talks about her gas?????? I'm so flummoxed by that I have no idea where to go with that...