Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day Dad

I am very thankful today to be able to spend the day, in person, with my dad. Angela and I flew into Michigan Friday night and it's been a whirlwind 48 hours so far and it's not going to slow down for a few days! But this morning we went to church with my parents and they asked us to talk about our dads and they gave us some prompts. Here's what I thought about today:
  • My dad inspires me because...he told me when I beginning college and not sure what I wanted to study or do when I grew up that it was okay because he still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. I thought that was so awesome, that my dad isn't done yet. This isn't it for him and that continually inspires me to try new things, go new places, and challenge myself knowing that there's always room for change and something exciting! Thanks dad for all your encouragement.
  • The best memory of my father that I'd like to share is the time...he drove to Indiana to watch my play in my last college golf match, even though he'd told me he wouldn't be able to make it. I remember seeing him get out of the car and walk toward me and being so excited and him telling me he couldn't have missed it for anything.
  • My dad is my best friend because...he makes me laugh and he gets my jokes, even the really subtle, sarcastic ones that make Ang and my mom yell and scoff.
  • When I was growing up my dad disciplined by...holding strong and making sure I knew that he meant business. The lesson I learned later...was that he only ever wanted the best for me. And I am so thankful for that. I know a lot of people who did not have that kind of parent in their life and they've had to deal with issues I haven't had to.
  • The funniest thing I remember about my dad is family dinners. We'd be sitting around the table and someone would say something and get us going and my dad would laugh and laugh and laugh and we'd all be laughing so hard for the longest time. I'd love those dinners so much.

Happy father's day to my dad and all the other dads out there!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

what great memories! yay for unvle tom~ can't wait to enjoy one of those family dinners ;)