Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Tidbits

It's been a crazy busy week but in a good way. I've gotten a lot done beginning Monday when I was home sick. I did a lot of writing and got all my new samples done for submission. Ang said she was amazed that I'd written one of the scenes in one day. I just hope someone at one of the four schools I'm applying to is equally amazed.

I'm feeling better, apparently Airborne (or Walborne, the kind I bought at Walgreens) works wonders just like everyone says because I've been feeling much better. And it happened very quickly. So stock up for cold and flu season!

School has been hectic. I am teaching my kids to write a short story and while it's fun, it's also very unorganized. We did brainstorming today and there was a lot of talking, sharing, and confusion but they have some awesome ideas and I can't wait to read their stories. I've also been busy with parent meetings dealing with kids' issues. Today's meeting was frustrating because Mom spoke almost no English and I had a very hard time focusing on her and the translators and trying to get my message across. And basically we spent an hour explaining to her what she knew and ended with her still not knowing how to help her kid. We'll see what happens.

But some cool things are going on in school. There was the first 'pizza with the principals' party today where kids nominated for improved behavior got to go have "pizza, salad and cheesecake!" with the principals and hang out for an hour and come back with a certificate. One of my boys was very excited to have gone, it was very cool for me to see that success. Also, I am finally feeling on top of the paperwork and only have one thing left to grade right now which is excellent! No work this weekend is my mantra.

I went to spin again Tuesday and tonight and I am sore. But good sore because I never think I'll make it through class and then I do and I am excited by that. I still haven't lost ANY weight despite sticking to my points (I'm seeing a nurse practitioner in a few weeks and I'll be asking about this) but my arms feel stronger so that's something. Must be those 60 push ups Julie made us do on the bike today!

My kids started their fundraiser this week and I am psyched because you can get magazine subscriptions through it so I totally am buying something this year:-)

I am still struggling to study for the GRE. The math part is kicking my butt. I am doing really well on the verbal practice but I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks. I am hoping the rest of my application packages speak for me instead of this test score!

Four weeks from tomorrow at 1pm Ang and I head north to Las Vegas where we will be meeting my parents! I am so excited. We have a week of the Grand Canyon and Vegas then a week with Susie that includes San Francisco (I already booked our Alcatraz tickets!) and the Bellagio in Vegas. Rock on!

My dear friend and cousin Jamee turns thirty this week, mere weeks before I do and I have been thinking a lot about that. It doesn't seem like a big deal though I know it's kind of a big deal. We'll be in Vegas and I want to do something fun but I also know that this is just the start of another exciting chapter in my life. I only hope the next thirty years so as well!!!

I am off to watch another episode of Monk. Ang and I are in the middle of season 3 and are loving this show! Go rent it if you haven't seen it or download it from itunes, seriously funny stuff here! No wonder it's won some serious award bling. And I am having fun comparing Ang to Monk, the main character. I now refer to her in private and public as Little Monk! She loves it!

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