Monday, September 24, 2007

Touching base

I don't have anything great to blog about. It was a pretty okay, regular Monday. My kids did great today, they took notes on characterization and then they read their novel with partners and reading buddies. They love their reading buddies, boys and girls. I have this gaggle of stuffed animals in my room - lots of beenie babies, etc. and they get to use them to read with when we read our novel. It's pretty cute to see my kids all lying on the floor, hanging out in their desks, clutching a teddy bear or a stuffed kidney (some were donations from a pharmaceutical company).

Report card grades are due on Thursday, it hardly seems possible that the quarter's over next Friday! Time is flying here in Yuma, what about in your part of the world?

Ang is having a big Mary Kay sale at school tomorrow and for the next week, so keep your fingers crossed that she sells enough to hit some posh places in Vegas. She's got some new meds for her headache and good news, along with learning to give her shots, I now get to learn how to check her blood pressure! I can't wait. I will be ready to hang with the peeps on Grey's Anatomy soon enough.

The fall television season is upon us once again and we kicked it off by watching Shark last night which was not as impressive as last season but I think they're just trying a little too hard. We'll see if they improve. I'm excited for NCIS, The Unit, and House tomorrow night, and of course Thursday night which brings us so much joy: The Office, Grey's Anatomy, CSI and the return of Michael Vartan, I cannot wait even though his show Hot Shots is not getting good reviews. (I have faith in Vaughn!)

Also, I am taking the GRE this weekend and I'm a tad bit nervous. I took another practice test this afternoon and was apparently a wee bit tired from school. I fell asleep while writing the essay and woke up with the computer timer going off telling me my time was up. Fan-freakin'-tastic! Ah well. The good news is my math (quantitative) score was significantly higher this week. The bad news is my verbal score was lower. We'll see how it goes with the real test.

Ok, off to help Ang pack up her Mary Kay for the big school sale and then go read some Tangerine so I can catch up to where my kids left off today. Do your part now: Touch base and let me know you're out there!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

you fell asleep at the computer.... wow, you WERE tired!!

yay for the GRE being over this weekend!! You are goingto do grand!

Wish I could be meeting you in vegas.......pout pout.

love you so~