Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Quickie

I'm tired. Exhausted, physically and well, just physically. I have been at the Y 3 out of the last 3 days. Ang commented tonight that we aren't at home much anymore and I guess that's a good thing. I am really trying with this exercise thing but it's kicking my butt so far. And yes, I know that's a good thing.

Other than that things are normal. School is good. I feel caught up and am getting stuff done for the next few days. Including tomorrow we only have 19 more school days left until Christmas break. I am way too excited. I'm dealing with a few discipline problems and a few Fs but other than that it's great really. We made these really great projects after we finished our last novel - Tangerine - and I thought they looked so cool so here's a peek:

I'm still fretting about the Writer's Strike which is nearing week three. Here's an interesting take on the issue if you're so inclined and wonder what's going on (it might not seem like a big deal but if you are a fan of any nonreality show, it will or already has affected you):,,20159387,00.html

Oh, and I'm really homesick. I miss everyone and I can't wait for Christmas break. I am just really feeling the need to be around family right now. So yeah, Thanksgiving will be interesting:-)

Ok, off to sleep - 5:30 comes awfully early! Hugs and kisses all around.

P.S. - My email is not working properly which is ticking me off! I can read all your messages but can't reply. So I'll try from work tomorrow or from Ang's computer tomorrow night. So don't think I'm ignoring you all. Ang has decided my PC is just angry about the new Mac in the house. Whatever:-)

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

LOVE your are a great teacher!

530 IS early.....I think i need a nap!