Monday, February 04, 2008

Odds and ends

I haven't posted in a few days and feel the need to communicate, even if it's just a briefing. So here goes:

- I am getting sick/sick/maybe over-reacting about sickness. I have pains in my chest, my throat hurts and I stuffy. Also my voice is getting weird.

- I have a formal observation tomorrow, my second in two weeks, and I am determined to get EVERY SINGLE box checked this time (I missed 2 last time and while that still equals an excellent observation - I need perfection!).

- I am one-twelfth of the way through reading the Bible.

- I am getting my taxes done Wednesday afternoon at H&R Block. And while getting all my stuff together I found out I spent $510.27 on school supplies last year. That's gotta count for something...

- I am all caught up on my Entertainment Weeklies and Newsweeks. Thank goodness, they really were starting to pile up.

- I have all of my outfits figured out for our President's Day trip to Vegas. It was a real dilemma figuring out what was "club" wear, etc. but I think I've got good options, all of which have been photographed to ensure that I don't look horrible.

- I am effectively addicted to online Facebook scrabble. And thank you to all of you who support and encourage this habit.

- I have not read any of the seven new books sitting next to my bed and this saddens me. Someday...

- The Writer's Strike may or may not be close to settlement. If it settles in a week or so we'll get the Oscar's and possibly some hour-long new dramas this season. If not, the rest of the season's a wash. Thank goodness for DVDs. We've been going through Arrested Development again, all three seasons, and the commentaries. If you haven't seen this show or heard the commentaries, run to Target and buy the DVDs. Best. Show. Ever.

- I am going to bed now. I am tired and achy and feeling blah. And I need to shower in the morning and get to work on time and I already know that'll be a struggle. Wish me luck!


brickmomma said...

Too late to wish you luck, but how did the observation go?

I like scrabble, but I am addicted to Scramble.....

I want to read a book........

I love you~

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

So, you have sexy phelm? Maybe that was a bonus during your observation. Fill me in on how it went when you get the chance.
And, Vegas again?! Who? What? Where? When? I've never been and I'm starting to feel a tad bit behind ;)