Friday, February 08, 2008

Sick Day

Turns out I wasn't overreacting on Monday, I did get sick and then sicker. By Thursday I was losing my voice which wouldn't be too big of a deal except for the fact that I have to talk all day long. And we were reading the climax of The Outsiders and my kids really love it when I read it to them so of course I did which means by 1:35pm I had no voice left. Then I had to sit through an hour and 20 minute parent meeting. Needless to say, I put in for a sick day today. And of course, there were no subs.

But some of my fellow teachers are awesome and they came to my students' rescue and gave spelling tests and retaught point of view and figured out what a heater is in our novel (a gun, if you were wondering). And I stayed in bed.

I am feeling better, not great but hopefully I am healing. I slept ten hours then watched 2 and 1/2 movies (half of Bridget Jones' Diary, Shall We Dance, and A Walk to Remember) and 20 minutes of an infomercial before I realized it wasn't just a long commercial. I ate soup and crackers, drank camomille tea and had 3000 mgs of vitamin C (a co-worker who's husband is a doctor said these were the best remedies), pushed down as much water as I could handle, drank Airborne three times, and stuck to a regimine of Mucinex. Here's hoping we kick this cold's butt!

Not much else is happening. I am going to lay low this weekend, sleep and read and watch movies and rest. We finished the final season of Arrested Development tonight (and did you hear about the potential movie!?!?!?! YES, they're really talking about it!!!!!) and have some Netflix to catch up on. What is everyone else up to?

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