Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Top Ten on a Tuesday

Top Ten Things That Happened (or didn't happen) on Tuesday

10. I scheduled a parent meeting with a problem student, all his teachers, the vice principal and his parents. Guess who showed up? The kid and his teachers. Fantastic!

9. We got a notice that someone is impersonating maintenance men at our apartment complex and we're to be on alert - and it made the local TV news. Lovely!

8. No one at school was arrested. Yesterday they caught 2 girls with pot, last week it was 2 of my boys. Apparently pot is the drug of choice for preteens.

7. There were gang-related shootings in town. However, they did arrested 4 people on Friday in connection with the Valentine's Night shooting and in the process, 2 elderly people were shot. No idea how that happened. Also, we're still on high alert for gang activity after school bathrooms were damaged by girls claiming revenge for their gang. And we're talking over $5000 worth of damage. Nice.

6. My kids seem to already know there spelling words and it's only Tuesday, I have no idea how this happened.

5. I graded tests from when I was out sick and realized when I was out sick, my kids were out to lunch. Not good.

4. I worked ten hours today and was not wearing ten hour shoes. Ugh.

3. The chicken spinach lasagna we made last night was even better tonight.

2. I decided I am officially sick of both Hillary and Barack. And it's no where near November.

1. We watched "Gone Baby Gone" - the movie co-written and directed by Ben Affleck, starring Casey Affleck and Boston. I thought it was great but then again, I usually like movies. I'm a big fan of most films. It had great acting, some plot twists and can I just say, Casey is an fantastic actor in my opinion. If anyone's asking.

Oh - and here's a bonus:

On Saturday I got a summons in the mail. I was to appear for jury duty next Tuesday. While I've always always always wanted to serve on a jury, it was going to be a big hassle right now with school and arranging for sub, etc. But I was going to suck it up and serve my county! And then I got another summons yesterday, telling me my trial had been canceled. Ah well, better luck next time!


The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Your week has been pretty nutso if all of this has happend and it's only Tuesday! It's been a while and I owe you an email. I will be on semi-vaca next week and hope to get caught up then.
Love ya!
PS-can i have the recipe for #3?

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

oh yeah-Gone, Baby Gone was a great movie! I have The Waitress right now and plan to watch it as soon as I quit procrastinating and get my homework done.