Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Encouraged beyond belief

This afternoon the handyman was here to fix the locks. We had some issues with the wood on the door swelling after the December rains. Well, turns out that the handyman did more than fix the door. He let a little green bird (about the size of my fist) inside. An hour or so later when I went into the kitchen I saw the bird fluttering about, pecking at the window in the laundry room. I got him outside quickly, thank goodness, as he'd already pooped on the dryer and kitchen counter! But for those few seconds that I was watching him ram the window, deciding what to do, I couldn't help but think how scared he must be. And frankly, how scared I was that he was going to get into another part of the house. And oddly enough, even though there was that split second of terror, ultimately, I was calm. I wasn't screaming on the inside or the outside.

I got the bird outside and I got dressed to go to my meeting with the literary manager. And guess what? I wasn't scared. I wasn't screaming. I was calm and well spoken and by the time I told my story the second time, to the senior partner, I had it down pat. And I was pretty happy about the whole thing. I'm not quite sure where all of this will lead. I really liked what they had to say about their brand-new company. I really liked how they seem to embrace emerging talent (basically us baby writers) and how they emphasize writing as a collaborative process. When he walked me out the lit manager asked about a second pilot script I'd mentioned. I pitched him my story and he seemed intrigued. He asked to read it. I think that's a good sign.

Will this be the company I work with throughout my whole career? I have absolutely no idea. If you'd asked me five years ago if I'd ever live in Los Angeles I'd have said I have absolutely no idea. But one thing is certain. I had a good meeting today. I felt confident and encouraged as I left the office building. And for what it's worth, that's really all I wanted out of today. And so it begins...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done! Keep that calm and confidence.