Wednesday, September 12, 2012


On Sunday I convinced Angela to accompany me to a free event at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. It was a panel discussion lead by Shawn Ryan, television writer (creator of The Shield among other things I love), with several Emmy-nominated editors. Editors? Yep, editors. And no, I'm not switching professions.

The reason I wanted to go to the event was that I am a writer and I want to be a showrunner someday. I want to create and craft a television series. That doesn't just mean writing the story but it means casting, choosing locations for shooting, directing, producing, even editing. Some of the strongest voices among showrunners today are those who spend hours in the editing booth along side these talented individuals who were up on the stage Sunday afternoon.

And guess what? The event was fascinating. For both Angela and I. (I told her I'd go with her to a free screening of Pitch Perfect next week, a movie we've seen previewed too many times and that I groan at each time. But I'll hold onto my end of the bargain!) We laughed, we learned a lot and we were held rapt by the stories these editors told.

Did you know that for every 45 minute show of The Deadliest Catch there are thousands of hours of tape that these editors have to cull? That these tapes are made by actual cameramen and women in the boats and then thrown overboard in cases they hope the follow boat will find?

Did you know that sometimes the writer of an episode of a TV drama will just write montage in the script and it's up to the editor to craft that? And the result is usually breathtaking? (see any and all montages in Breaking Bad)

The panelists showed clips of their work and talked for over two and half hours. I could have listened for twice that long. I'm amazed at what these people do. How they take very rough-looking film or tape and turn it into the beauty that we watch on our HD TVs each week. They create scenes with music and glances and movement. It's really quite something.

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