Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Europe is champion!

That's right, this afternoon North America was relegated to second place when Angela's team Europe won two out of three spell offs to become the first ever Spell Off champion team! Congrats to all the kids. It was pretty great to watch the kids spell all day, to hear and see what they know, to watch them cheer for one another and try so hard. They had 126 spelling words this quarter and their practice paid off. It was especially impressive because Angela's kids are all in intervention classes while mine are on-level. So I am doubly proud of the Europeans today and will start making my kids work all that much harder tomorrow:-)
In other seventh grade news tomorrow I have my first parent teacher conferences, 1-6:30pm. And we have to be to school for a 7:30am meeting so tomorrow will be a very long day. But it will all pay off Friday at three when we go on vacation for SIXTEEN whole days!!! I'm just a wee bit excited. We're going to Mexico Saturday, then to San Diego when Susie visits then to L.A. I can't wait!!
Now it's off to bed early so I am bright-eyed and busy-tailed for my families tomorrow.

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