Friday, July 27, 2007

A Good Walk

Exercise is important to me. It really is. I keep telling myself this. I want to be one of those people who can get up 2 hours early to go running. I tried running for a while while I lived in Kalamazoo. It didn't work out so well, I can jog but that's about it. I don't have the knees for anything else.

I forced myself to do my Walk Away the Pounds tapes this past week - a total of 18 miles. I did 4 more this morning but I don't know if it's enough. I wish I could afford classes and a trainer. I do some sit ups but then again, who knows if they're right. But I do know that as much as I didn't want to get out of bed early this morning (not so early but setting an alarm is early when you're on vacation), I enjoyed the walk once I was doing it. I enjoyed "raising my arms to heaven" as Leslie Sansone, the chipper host encourages. I enjoy the sweat I break and knowing I am doing something good for my body.

I only lost 2 pounds this week. Not the 10 I'd wanted. But I'll try again today, and tomorrow, and the next week. And I'll keep walking. And to those of you out there who I know are doing it with me - keep the faith! Love ya.


brickmomma said...

Good for you!! Sweat = hard work.

Any time you push your body you will be rewarded. It may be with soreness for awhile, but even that feels kinda good in a sick sado/masichist(HOWDOYOUSPELLTHAT?) way!

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Good for you! I know it's a challenge some days but keep it up. Today I ate my weight in junk and a walk sounds real good. For sure going to get one in tomorrow. Thanks for the blog. Super encouraging!
Love ya!