Saturday, May 10, 2008


It was a good, although very busy week. We played our first official golf match Monday and my kids did great! They came in second by only one stroke so we have motivation this week! It was a fun match, we had rain and thunder and hail (yes, HAIL, in YUMA!) before we started but then the sun came out and it was actually pleasant to be outside. I walked the whole course, pulling my cooler, delivering water to the kiddos. Also, we had a ton of parents come out and walk the course with their golfers. One family even brought their three month old in a stroller, and their five year old, and just trailed their son - very cool!

It's been a very active week at school - we're getting ready for end-of-the-year assessments so I've been testing my kids' reading fluency speeds with daily three-minute drills which they've really gotten used to. We're also doing arts and crafts, aka poetry books. They've all written 29 various poems which they have to include in their book with a glossary of terms. This is worth 400 points (a totally random number I came up with) and they cannot pass our class without turning it in. We've been writing poems for over six weeks so it's a pretty big deal. I have a feeling there will be a few who don't turn one in and I have to steal myself to make those parent calls. Ah, parent calls, I had a rather unpleasant one this week. It's always fun to have a parent call you and yell at you rudely for treating their child horribly, because of course, as teachers, we treat all children horribly, we hate children, etc., etc. That's exactly why I work ten hour days trying to educate said children. Whatever.

Let's see, what else? Wednesday I actually got time to work in my classroom during the workday. This never happens. We've been having meetings and professional development every Wednesday (our kids go home two and a half hours before we do) since I can remember. So that was a nice change. I think I'm finally getting caught up from being gone on jury duty. Thank goodness!

Last night Ang and I saw Baby Mama, the new Tina Fey/Amy Poehler movie. It was very funny, well done and we saw it downtown for only $5 which was nice, with only four other people in the theater.

And then this morning Ang and I played golf at Mesa del Sol golf course with two guys from work. We had been asked to play in this charity outing benefiting a local child who has cancer. Our principal asked us to play, the school was going to get sponsors to show our school's support. With an entry fee of $500 per foursome, I was all for it! It was a beautiful day here, 68 when we got there and up to 96 by noon. They gave our impressive goodie bags (including my very own Sarah Farms t-shirt, I am pretty excited!), gave us a good Mexican lunch, and supplied breakfast and drinks all day. And it set me back only $4 for a bucket of balls this morning. Well worth it. Plus we had a lot of fun; we all played about the same and I had a lot of good shots. I even made a birdie on my own (it was a scramble) by hitting a tee shot on a par three about eighteen inches from the pin. Someday I'll get that hole-in-one, I will I will!

So those are just some tidbits from my week. I think things are going to go pretty fast from here on out. I give all you moms out there a hearty thank you from this particular kid because frankly, moms rock! All of you!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

you're welcome~


Cousins are pretty incredible, too...