Monday, February 03, 2014

From the ashes...

A few weeks ago I wrote about not knowing what was next. Since then I've had some great conversations with friends and peers and tried to be even more intentional about using my time. I'm good about time management, for the most part, you have to be when you work from home. I get that it's not for everyone. I have to make myself sit down at my desk every morning and not flop on the couch. So over the past two weeks I've set deadlines with two writer friends, last Friday I had a pilot rewrite due to Tami and this week I have another pilot rewrite due to her. On Valentine's Day I have a deadline with Krista. That one? It's a bit bigger. I've decided to rewrite a feature I wrote back in film school. And not just rewrite it but retool it completely. Instead of male main characters? Female main characters. So just change the whole thing basically. And I'm beyond excited. I close my eyes at night and my mind drifts to the characters. I try to read a novel in the waiting room and my mind goes to the characters. That's a very good sign I tell ya.

Also, I've started a photography challenge which has gotten my excited about art and capturing life. And I've started praying with a friend/accountability partner. We started this just this morning officially though we've been doing it unofficially for about 14 years. One of the things I asked her to pray for was my writing and my employment situation.

And just two hours ago I got offered another contract with the University of Phoenix. It's not full-time. It's not forever (the semester starts next Monday and runs through mid-April) but it's something. It's for now. It takes a huge weight off my shoulders, shaves it down a little, and puts it back on. The weight's not gone but it feels just the slightest bit better.

So, I'm back to teacher-mode. I'm in writer-mode. And also? Thanks God, for the pretty obvious reminder that You are awesome and prayer works.

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