Monday, September 25, 2006

The Mad Dash

That's right, it's crunch time for us teachers here in the year-round school system. Next week report cards come out so that means this week grades are due. Possibly Wednesday though no one seems to know for sure. But anyway I graded tonight. All night. Stopping only long enough for popcorn and some popcorn TV (The New Adventures of Old Christine which is funny). And then we tried to watch Studio 60 but it wouldn't work! That's right, the NBC station seemed broken so I have to find out how to catch it on Bravo or online this week - ugh!!!
Anyway, I've been grading rough drafts of my students short stories all day and night and am overwhelmed. Ang graded 120 tests for me. I have spelling packets and homework waiting for me in the morning. And all of this paperwork is from Thurs, Fri and today. Good lord!
But my kids are cute, and some are great writers. I had one student who woke up as George Bush. One whose family sidetracked to a town called Cockaroachie;-) Another who created her very own Shrek-like story complete with every storybook character I could think of.
So now it's off to bed before I get up and do it all again in 8 hours. Oh yeah - and I'm being evaluated tomorrow which means an 8am preconference, a 2:17pm observation, and a 4pm postconference. Let the fun begin!


Laura said...

2:17 p.m. on the noggin?? Who is ever that prompt? That's just a shade insane I gotta say :-)

Catching some good TV right now; Bones is on - if you're taping, um, don't eat during the intro, just a word of advice!!

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Hey- are you surviving your week? How did the eval go? I'm sending prayers up for you. You sound insanely busy-you're good at it though. KEEP IT UP! Just imagine the footprints you are leaving on the hearts of those brilliant children. Besides, when you are famous they will be able to say they know you...and maybe send some of their great stuff your way for a review!