Friday, August 03, 2007

38 hours

That's how many hours we've worked in the past 3 days: 38. Yeah, it's been a long half of a week. But it feels better today then it did yesterday. Today was open house and orientation. I met about 15 of my students who all seem very polite and very afraid. One boy actually said to me, "There are no words to describe how I feel." Too funny.

Tomorrow there are lesson plans to write, copies to make, and plans to make. It'll be good, it feels good. I am excited. Now I need to go to bed. And I am trying not to beat myself up. I only exercised on Wednesday, not yesterday or today, hopefully tomorrow. And I haven't written in 2 days but I will not give up! I can't. Today I saw a quote that really got to me:

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal.

So even though I've failed on the writing and working out side of life for 2 days, I will not give up. There's always tomorrow!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

i could join your 'i'm not good enough' club.....we'll talk later.

anyway, we leave the house by 11 and the state at 5!

had bad dreams last night, keep the prayers running.....

love you so!