Monday, August 18, 2008


I should be packing, I have been, and I'm taking a break to watch a few minutes of gold medal Olympics. So here's the thing, we thought we were pretty well packed up. We were wrong. It's been a long day. We went to school and said a few last minute goodbyes. Then we ran errands, looking at refrigerators, etc. I got a new phone number, a Los Angeles number (so if you don't already have it and want it, email me!), Ang spent a few hours in the Social Security Office (it involved a laminated card, don't ask). And then we started packing packing. Like, no more using the dishes or silverware, decide what you're going to wear for the next two days so only those clothes can be left out. Realize that it's 9pm and you still have twelve hours of work to go before you sleep.

We got a refrigerator. We found one we liked and couldn't order it online so had to track it down, finally at a store in Burbank, it'll arrive Thursday afternoon. I ordered cable/Internet service, which will arrive Thursday morning. I got the gas and electricity put in my name. I changed our renters' insurance to the new house. I did not get new car insurance because the company I currently have was going to up my policy by about 70% to switch to California. I'll be shopping around. We've eaten up a lot of our food and we've packed away most of our stuff. I'm so glad that on Wednesday it'll all start coming out of the boxes again. Oh, and we've confirmed our U-Haul for tomorrow, thank goodness!

Guess that's all I have to tell you right now. I'm going back to the kitchen to finish packing there. Tomorrow morning we'll be cleaning and then get my dad at 11am when his flight gets in. Oh and we'll celebrate Ang's birthday!!!


Justin said...

I wish I could be there to help yall! Keep working, it'll be worth it once you're all settled in LA.

Anonymous said...

You guys are gonna be terrific in LA... Keep believing in the dream. And make sure you have a piece of birthday for Angela sometime this week - I'll sing here. D