Tuesday, July 04, 2006

And away we go...

Today's my last day in Michigan - tomorrow Angela and I head out for Arizona. We'll spend the weekend in Texas and then go home from there. Home. Weird how it changes. But I guess everything has to change, doesn't it. It's been a long few weeks, months, saying goodbye, coming to terms with change, with leaving, with understanding that new things come only from doing soemthing new. And so I will - do something new. I'll drive cross-country without my parents. I'll go to towns and states I've never been to. I'll do a job I've never done. I'll meet people I would have never known otherwise.
But first we have to get through at least 41 hours in the car.
With a lump in my throat, a tear (okay, a lot of tears) in my eye, and a smile on my lips I leave.
And away we go..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me on this - as the older and wiser sister - you are going to learn more about yourself and grow more than you've ever dreamed. You're showing the courage that you won't look back on life and say "I wish I would've". You'll laugh and you'll cry - but that's really living.
Go get'm kiddo