Friday, July 14, 2006

What a day...

Do you ever have one of those days? You know the ones, they start out normal, uneventful. Then they take a turn, and another, and another and before you know they are shot to h-e-double hockeysticks.
Yep, my Friday started well. More sorting, cleaning up, etc. then I went to the dentist. I don't like going to the dentist on principle but with a toothache there's not much else to do. So I went. And found out I get to spend $2000-$3000 on a root canal and crown. Yep, there's an infection under a large filling that has reached the nerve. In March I thought I was saving $90 by not getting x-rays until October when I had insurance but look what happened. Morale of the story - don't think, I guess.
So that was that. Then we did some errand running and shopping. I felt a bit better, we got some rugs at $3.48 each on clearance and were pretty excited. Then I realized that I had failed to write down a debit charge in my checkbook and had overdrawn my account by $3. So there was that stress. But thank God for parents who can transfer you a few bucks. Good Lord is all I have to say.
Then we bought steering wheel covers for our cars because it's about 130 degrees or more in our cars and guess what? Ang's steering wheel is too small for one and mine is too big. Never fails...
So here's what I'm going to do:
Go to bed (antibiotics and tylenol with codine are my friends).
Get up early and pack.
Drive to Vegas.
Forget real life until we come home next Thursday. That's right, 6 days in Vegas.
And we all know what they say about Vegas.


brickmomma said...

dang! so sorry about your tooth, but glad you got it checked out! maybe you can win your dentist $$!
love you!

Laura said...

I can see the news report now: "Former Howell women take on Vegas while high on painkillers."

If I find out you married an Elvis impersonator while you were there and drugged to the eyeballs I will so tease you until the cows come home!!!