Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm still here

I'm still alive, it's true. I just haven't blogged much A) because my parents' computer has some intestinal problems and B) because I seem to be very busy lately:-) But it's a good thing. Ang and I are getting ready to leave on Wed - just a few days away and we've been cramming all the fun stuff in. New cell phones, jigsaw puzzles, trips to the outlet mall for 4 pair of shoes, making pies and cookies, visiting people, renting out the movie theater to see The Break-Up and talk through it:-)
So I'll be back full force soon but I just wanted to say hi. Our plans are to travel for about a week down to Arizona (granted the song - There is no Arizona isn't true afterall), stopping in IL and TX. Also - when did Texas get so darn big?!?!? Oh and the exciting news is shortly after getting back to AZ we're going on a week-long trip to.....LAS VEGAS!!!! Woohoo:-)

1 comment:

yasser said...

dont gamble too much there