Sunday, January 14, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside!

Yes, I know, back in July we would have killed for this weather down here in Yuma, AZ but not today. The low last night was 26 degrees. This may not seem to bad, even to me, a native Michigander who's endured her share of frozen toes and lake effect snows but down here, it's a bit ridiculous. I don't have a winter jacket or mittens or even a good, heavy sweater. I left them all up north when I was promised warm weather and bright skies 364 days a year. So last night when we went grocery shopping (which we now have to do at the off-off-peak hours on Saturday night because of the snowbirds descent on us) I was cold. Luckily I have a few sweatshirts and some heavy socks but still. Paging global warming!
It's 43 right now at 12:30 pm and there's a promise of 10 more degrees but I wouldn't bet on it. I guess this is the price we pay for a balmy 80 degree Thanksgiving. Lovely.
On another note, I am going to my first spinning class today. I am excited. We joined the gym and haven't made it this week (I barely was able to nourish myself before falling asleep - it's like the first week of school all over again). But I am ready now. And we have tomorrow off so if I can't move after, it'll be okay.
It was a good week back at school. We had fun in my class. Including Friday when I gave the spelling test to my 6th hour and couldn't figure out why they would not stop giggling and outright laughing. Then 8 words in (there are 18 total) I realized I hadn't pulled the screen down so the words were still on the board. That's one for the books, according to Ang who couldn't stop laughing when I told her about it. I laughed too but made them throw that test away and we did it again later in the day.
We've also started a foreign exchange student program at school. This week there have been many Europeans (Ang's kids) who get to come visit me in North America and vice versa. Oddly enough, when thrown into a new climate these children are usually hard-working angels. I wonder what would happen if we sent them down the canal to Africa (8th grade)!
And one last funny anecdote - I have 1st hour prep which means I don't see kids in class until 2nd hour. And I often pop into Ang's room during 1st hour to deliver copies, ask questions, chat or help out some of her kids. And when I walked into the room one morning this week, one of her kids said quietly (but not quietly enough), "Uh-oh, here comes trouble." I thought this was hilarious. I told him we could go in the hall and discuss some real trouble and then I smiled. Out of the mouth of babes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, you are not allowed to complain about 40 degrees A.) because you grew up in Michigan and you know if you still lived here you would be wearing a light jacket in the spring when it finally hits 40 and B.) because it is 17 in the sun today. I am so not impressed. I wish that I was rich so that I could come winter at your house. :-) -Sus