Monday, January 29, 2007

We finally did it!

We made it to the gym yesterday, finally! We went in the morning and while we were a bit nervous, we jumped right in. I did the bike and the elliptical machince (it looks fun but kicked my butt) and then we found that they have a women's only weight room that rocked! So needless to say, my arms are quite sore today.
Also, I bought a pedometer yesterday. I got a cheapie for $6 at Target and have been challenged to keep track of my steps every day by my friend Angel. So here I go! Today I walked just over 5000 steps. My goal is 10,000 every day but today I had to sit in a class all day so I didn't get to move much however tomorrow I plan to move, move, move. We did take a walk tonight though and I walked to the mailbox twice just to get more steps in.
On another note, I am sick again. A lovely cough that is full of crap. I am so not impressed. And I don't know if it warrants a doctor's visit or not. I guess I'll wait a few days and see. I am taking Mucinex so hopefully that will help.
Oh yes, one more thing:
Chandra Wilson won a SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) award last night for best female actor in a dramatic series and I am so excited. As Miranda Bailey on Grey's Anatomy, she is just amazing to watch. But it was her acceptance speech that made my night. (And no, it wasn't just that she referred to Isaiah Washington as "that other one in rehab"!) I was flipping channels and came upon it unexpectedly. But in her speech she said she was glad that Hollywood has taken her as she is including her skin, her nose, and her arms, at which point she pointed out her jiggly underarms. It was great! It made me smile to think that someone in Hollywood, someone who is on screen doing great work, has jiggly underarms. Because I do too:-)

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

Wish you weren't sick again, that STINKS!! Mr. Brick is also sick, I am praying it is not the flu, but it came on fast.......