Tuesday, January 16, 2007

From the artic

So I know you east-coasters are belly-aching about your ice and snow and sub-zero temps but here in Arizona it gets chilly too. And 59 in my classroom this morning was downright frigid. It led me to find Angela's hooded sweater which I promptly put on and then I covered it with my jean jacket and all I day I got comments from Angela about my new undercover gig as a narc. She said I looked like one of those cops on TV who tries to look like they're homeless or from the streets. I told her if I had some gloves with the fingers missing I'd wear them too.
Other than the temps it was a pretty good day. My checkbook balanced. I finally have a good tidy sum (well in my world) in my savings account. I made cookies for the less than half of my students who managed to turn in homework four days last week (the criteria for said homemade chocolate chip cookies). We watched an episode of that interesting in a sorta train-wreck, can't look away way, new show Dirt with Courtney Cox. I think we'll stick with it a few more eps. Oh yeah - and a kid I have who I thought had learning disabilities was actually just lazy. Go figure!
Also - yesterday I saw the movie The Good Shepherd with Matt Damon. It was a great film. As I told my kids today in my review for them, it's a grown-up movie with lots and lots of talking. They did not seem impressed and only wanted to talk about Stomp the Yard and Freedom Writers. Oh well. But really, TGS was well done. I thought Matt Damon was great, though I always think that. I thought the writing was really good (Eric Roth - scribe of Forrest Gump among other things) and I thought Alec Baldwin aged well in the movie (much to Ang's dismay, she hates the guy). I am intrigued by all things CIA and D.C. so it was a perfect movie for me and it made me want to come home and read some more history books, especially about what happened after the second World War, where all my history classes left all. ALL OF THEM. No joke. I never learned about Vietnam in a class, or anything else for that matter. And this movie focused heavily on the Bay of Pigs. Good thing I had a social studies history sitting next to me, thank you Ms. Hall!
Let's see what else you should know - oh yeah, Friday we went out with friends to this fancy Japanese restuarant and I tried sushi for the first time. Mine was eel and it wasn't bad. I declared that if I was hungry and there was nothing else I could probably eat some more. Thank goodness I had chicken stir-fry cooked right in front of me to look forward to. Though I did enjoy the enamame (soybeans in the pod) that were our appitizers. Very good!
On another note, my iPod has a new skin, it's hot pink, an iSkin and so far we are very happy with it. I ordered it though apple and it has a belt clip and I think the person who's used it the most so far is Ang;-) Although I have been jammin' to a little of JT's Sexyback on it. Rock on friends!
P.S. - I know some have inquired and sadly, no, I did not make my first spin class Sunday. Instead I got to walk around Walmart and run into too many co-workers. Long story short, Ang found out she has to have a released signed because of her appendix before she can work out. So we left the gym. The sad part is we've belonged for several weeks now and still haven't seen a workout room or a piece of equipment. Best five bucks I ever spent. But hey, I made lowfat brownies tonight:-)

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