Friday, February 02, 2007

Antibiotics and Kleenex

Yep, that's right, I'm sick again. Fever, chills, aches, runny nose, sore throat, lovely productive cough. I've got it all. And since I had already missed 2 days of work this week for this lovely sickness, I finally went to UrgentCare last night. The doctor there was great, I've always had good luck there and at $50 for the visit, it's really not bad in my opinion. He told me I have an upper respiratory thing and sinusitis or something like that. He drew little pictures of my sinuses on the table paper and talked about dissecting cadavers and I tried very hard to listen. My ears peaked when he mentioned a possible CAT scan if the 14 days of antibiotics don't clear this up.
Ang went with me and I was very glad for that. I think that you should always go to to doctor with someone when you are sick. It's too hard to hear all they have to say when you're not feeling well. She asked some great questions for me and I am so thankful to have the support as I was sitting there just trying to keep from coughing.
The doctor wrote me a note for missing school, and gave me cough syrup with codene and antibiotics. I guess I took the cough syrup to early last night though because around 3:30 I woke up and proceeded to lay in bed coughing for the next hour. Then I got up and decided to do something else, thus why I am online at 4:45am.
The good news is that I have sick days, so I am thankful for that, and that my kids have gotten good sub reports these past 2 days. I can't ask for more really. At $99 for 2 types of drugs I really don't know what people without health care do, so I am very thankful for that as well.
Guess I'll head back to bed. You know, in theory it's great. Three days in bed doing nothing but flipping channels, napping, and reading a little bit. But in reality, it stinks. Go figure!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

Arghhhhhh.....sickness! My husband is relatively better but my kiddos have fever and runny noses and sneezes and coughs. Thankfully I am not sick yet, but I wonder how long that will last?