Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 on Tuesday

Ten ways to make what started as a bad day (finding out a kid you spent 45 minutes of your time off the clock helping yesterday skipped 7th hour! among other things) much better:
1. Getting all my grades figured and into the computer 2 days before they're due!
2. My friend Angel getting into nursing school! Congrats lady!!!!
3. Planning 3 golf clinics for next week for my team and working out the perfect spring break schedule for golf so it doesn't mess up any big relaxin' plans.
4. Getting new shoes in the mail that I didn't have to go to a store to buy - and they fit perfectly!
5. Sitting down for 25 minutes with my kids and reading the awesome Tuck Everlasting, it's a really well written book - and not just for kids! It makes me laugh constantly, and the descriptions are amazing. This is one of the best parts of my job, just reading with my kids and hearing their spontaneous chuckles or seeing them figure something out.
6. Finding some great war propaganda posters online that printed out in color really well for our big lesson on propaganda techniques tomorrow, I think it will be fun!
7. Calling the Calla Lilly Inn in Palm Springs to inquire about their package deals to find the woman extremely charming and very accomodating. I can't wait to go over spring break!
8. Hearing from my mom that her doctor's appointment went well today and that her heart tests all came out okay!
9. Getting a new DVD in the mail from Netflix: House, M.D. (which is so far a good show!).
10. Getting an email from a friend telling me that something I helped start a long time ago (the tutoring program at MLK in Kalamazoo) is still going strong. That's awesome.
Now it's off to watch some House and then do some reading. Hope you had a good end to your day as well!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

glad it got better! and so glad your mom found out things are ok. we made it back home today and plan on enjoying our ONE unscheduled day of spring break!