Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tricky Tires

I decided on Thursday I did not want to be a grownup any longer. Because when you're a grownup you have to deal with stuff like bills and jobs and flat tires. And a flat tire is exactly what I had Thursday morning. So I let it sit until Saturday morning when Angela and I tackled it and guess what?!? We were able to get it off, put on the spare, and get my tire patched - all by ourselves and all for free! I was pretty impressed with us.
That out of the way the weekend seemed very accomplished and overall, good. We did some shopping (groceries, snacks for our trip to Palm Springs in 9 days, and some very cute tank tops for this ridiculously warm spring weather), had brunch today with friends, laid by the pool and read, cleaned up the house, finally got all the laundry put away, and got things situated for our first golf meeting tomorrow.
Ang and I are going to be co-coaches and we're doing all the preliminary stuff like reserving course time, looking into getting shirts made, and figuring out how to teach 7th and 8th graders who've never held a golf club how to golf. Should be fun - I'll keep you posted!
So yeah - I know that complaining about our weather seems ridiculous to those of you up in the northeast but it's pretty intense here as well. It topped 100 degrees yesterday which is a record high for this time of year. And what's more - it's not cooling down at night, which meant last night neither of us slept well, despite our fans. I hate to turn on the air already and pay the cost of cooling both stories so we contemplated sleeping downstairs tonight but we'll suck it up and hope it goes better. Also, we went on this savings plan with the electric company today where you pay the same amount every month so we don't end up paying 300 dollars in August while we only pay 25 in January. So hopefully that will help (right now our payment is 115 dollars a month). And if it stays this warm I think we'll be turning on the air. Although that seems insane to me in March but then again, this is the desert.
This is our last week of school before spring break so that means parent-teacher conferences and 3 golf practices, should keep me busy!
Oh yeah, and today I spent 3 hours and 10 minutes watching Blood In, Blood Out - a movie about gangs in L.A. and prision. It's a movie one of Ang's kids insisted she watch and he let her borrow so we had to watch it. Here's my review: Don't rent it. Just don't. It's a lot of what I've seen on The Shield, The Sopranos, and other miscellanous TV shows and movies and the actings pretty bad. This week I think we'll be having a long talk with this student. I really want to know why he idolizes these gang members and prision inmates. I'm interested to hear his rationale. Because I doubt he wants a shank to the gut or a steel rod through the jugular or to see his little brother find his heroin needle and kill himself (all scenes from this epic movie). I'm very curious.

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