Tuesday, March 27, 2007

10 on Tuesday

10 things I learned yesterday
1. Seventh grade boys can listen to directions and not kill each other with golf clubs and non-wiffle balls. Golf practice went so well at the course yesterday, we were excited. We had 11 boys come out!
2. You have 90 days to return things to Target, even if you have no original packaging (returned the iPod car adaptor I bought in December because it's on the fritz and the good news was I got 92 bucks back, bought a new, better one for 50 and had money left over to get a 30 dollar itunes gift card for myself! Yay!)
3. Corn tastes different when it's made by a grandma (we had dinner last night at the Clums' house, they winter here and spend the rest of their time in Howell and they've become our favorite mode of package transportation. And last night she made corn that tasted just like Grandma Cows' corn!)
4. Root canal's hurt less than filings, in my opinion - and take less time. Done in under 30 minutes and pain free! So far....
5. I really like the show What about Brian and last night was most likely the series finale...figures!
6. I can't stand reality shows, namely Dancing with the Stars. We watched for 5 minutes while waiting for Brian to come on and it was incredibly painful.
7. Having your taxes done is well worth the money especially when they find deductions you knew nothing about (i.e., moving expenses!) - my return is over $1100! Yay!
8. I still love Aerosmith songs!
9. Sometimes laundry doesn't need to be done right now and you can manage with what's left in the closet and the underwear drawer.
10. I need to have someone help me reach the back of my neck when applying sunscreen, yep - a little red there after golf practice!
Ok, I am off to Palm Springs. I'll write more if I come back:-) Love you all!

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