Monday, March 05, 2007

My head's above water - barely

So I might not be as burned out today but I am still a bit toasty. We have spent the last 4 hours grading papers. Ang helping me with tests, me doing essays, and it's now 10:30 and I need sleep. And I need to do the hundred other things on my to-do list but we'll see which wins.
Today went well, I was finally observed! Yay, sixth time is the charm. I guess it went well - I am never sure. My last observation - a week or so ago, with my mentor teacher went really well and I could feel it. Today I was very anxious, thinking he wasn't going to show. And because I'd just learned our big AIMS (standardized test everyone lives and breathes around here) might be pushed up a week which really throws off the teaching calendars. So yeah. Best thing is it's over. We have our school-wide observations Friday and after that I think my head will be much higher in the pool.
On the up side it's 70 degrees right now and it's lovely. Might even need to open the window before bed. Wore sandals today, what a great feeling in March. (No, I am not rubbing in it Northerners because I spent 28 years there!)
Ok, off to bed. Didn't hit 10,000 steps today -only 8436 but I did walk 2 miles this morning before putting the pedometer on. Oh, and Ang broke her 3rd pedometer today. I have decided her forcefield just cannot handle such a contraption!

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