Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just another root canal

Yep, that's what's been causing the tooth pain all these months. I'd gone to my dentist. I'd had the crown from August shaved and refitted. I'd complained and moaned and taken Advil. And I complained some more last week until I got a consult at the specialist. And at 7:45 this morning they told me that an infection is eating away at the bone above my tooth. Fan-freakin'-tastic. So Monday morning at 8am, the first day of spring break, I get to have a root canal and it will only cost me $881. Then the following Monday I get to have a crown put on. Gotta love teeth. I'm looking into a wooden set.
Can someone explain to me when dentistry and oral hygenine became so expensive? Seriously. The last root canal took less than half an hour. It didn't even hurt. But almost a thousand bucks? It's no wonder a lot of people never go or that our nation's kids have horrible teeth (trust me, I see them every day). Dental care is expensive. And I've used up all my insurance benefits for the year already with the last root canal and 2 cleanings.
And get this - the payment plan offered is a dental credit card. Great. Just what I need. At least if I put it on my Chase card I can earn points and get a gift card in the mail.
So yeah, gotta love teeth. And the 2 days of my spring break I'll devote to caring for them.
This really bites!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

are you still able to go to palm springs? gotta love being a grown up!!