Sunday, April 22, 2007

10 hours

I never sleep for ten hours but last night I did. I woke up this morning with intentions of going to church and then promptly fell right back asleep. I figure I must have needed it as this has been a particularly stressful week:
We finished the AIMS tests on Wednesday, had one semi-normal day of classes, and then had a 2 hour assembly Friday during which I had to play volleyball against my students.
We had our first city-wide golf clinic with real pros and I had to continually tell my students (not the whole team, most are great!) to be quiet and please don't try to hit each other in the head with a 9-iron.
I finally got registered for 2 three-week online courses so that I can keep my emergency certification for next year so I can have a job. This week I get to start with "Introduction to Middle School" which sounds oh-so exciting.
I went to yoga class 3 times and apparently my body has started sending out the toxins and working out all the kinks because by Thursday I was having sharp pains in my shoulder and by Saturday my left hip had given out. Luckily, a not-so-relaxing massage yesterday made me feel better (well Arcy promises I'll feel better soon).
Thirteen of my students were suspended this week. Yes, 13! So my job has become difficult, it's hard to teach them when they're not in the room. Six were for setting off stink bombs, three for concealing a knife, and four were involved in a one fight or another. The sink bombers were all boys, the weapons "experts" were girls and one boy, and then four fighters were all girls. Keeping homework and attendance straight has been a full-time job this week.
Because of the suspensions we're kicking two kids off the golf team, which may help with the behavior problems. If it doesn't, several others will follow suit this week.
Yesterday we went to work about 11am and left after 5pm. There's an attendance audit coming up we had to get ready for and lesson plans and cleaning and it goes on and on.
I am so thankful that we have 8 weeks until our next intercession, 6 weeks off! Woohoo!
So I guess that's why I needed my 10 hours this morning. I finally had to drag my but up to shower so we'd make it to Julie's house at noon for lunch. But I firmly believe that your body lets you know what it needs and today that's exactly what I needed.

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