Monday, April 30, 2007

Today was a day

I had forgotten what grad school was like. I'd forgotten the 149 page reading assignments, the endless stream of group project work, the papers to be written not in your own words but cited in APA style from the words that others borrowed from others.
I'm entering week 2 of a 3 week class and it's kicked my butt so far. After this one more 3 week class and I can keep my emergency certification and teach another year here. Yippee! And tomorrow I spend all day in professional development learning about "Structured English Instruction" (I have no idea what this means either).
I am still fighting the plague and have now missed the last 4 yoga classes I'd planned to go to. But I stayed up late tonight writing a junior high/middle school debate paper so I can go tomorrow. We'll see if that happens.
I don't mind school work, in fact, I enjoy it. I love learning and writing and exploring and sharing. But it's rough on top of a demanding 40+ hour a week job. I feel real sympathy for those who do it in addition to children and a husband. It's all I can do to nuke hot dogs for Ang and I.
And yet I contemplate voluntarily going back to school soon. I know right now the idea itself threatens to kill me but there is that part of me that is excited. Possibilities....."I dwell in possibility...."

1 comment:

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Good for you! I know this is not your first choice for how you would spend your time. Go to yoga and treat yourself. You've been working hard. And, remember. If you go back to school again, it will be for something you love and are passionate about. Very different from something you have been somewhat forced in to. Love you!
PS-Wolfgang Puck all natural bbq pizza (frozen)is VERY YUMMY and only takes a few minutes in the oven. In case you get tired of hot dogs ;)