Tuesday, April 10, 2007


In Ms. Knapp's 7th grade language arts class we're studying poetry. We're learning about different types of poems, the language of poetry, reading some very cool poems (our favorites so far - Langston Hughes and Shel Silverstein), and writing our own. Today we did limericks and hate poems, the latter of which confused then excited my students the most. So here's my very own hate poem to share with you all! Try writing your own if the mood strikes!
I hate it when...
the back of my neck hurts after a day of standing/walking (i.e., not lying by the pool but at work).
I stub my toe and it brings tears to my eyes.
Hotmail won't let me see my email.
I trip on the overhead cord in front of my classroom.
I have a plan for my day and then it goes horribly arry.
the lettuce freezes in the fridge.
you go to a meeting and hear someone tell you what you already know.
there are too many people from your apartment complex at the gym where you get a reduced membership and you aren't let into yoga class and it's what you've been looking forward to all day.
I get angry when I know I shouldn't.
I burn the green beans.
my hair looks really good, just in time to go to bed.
we run out of ketchup.
the vcr doesn't record my favorite show.
I can't balance my checkbook.
sand gets in my eyes.
my paycheck doesn't quite cover the bills.
the networks cut a really good drama or comedy in favor of a cheaper reality show.
I buy the wrong thing on itunes by mistake (happens more than you think).
I smudge the polish on my pedicure moments after I've had it done.
--So what would go in your own hate poem???


brickmomma said...

I hate it when my poor Beanie throws up the afternoon before her princess party :(

Anonymous said...

This is a great take on poetry. Maybe I would have gotten in to it more when I was in school if they had introduced it. -Sus (Unkir_y)