Thursday, April 05, 2007

Why I need yoga

Yesterday I sucked it up, paid for another month's gym membership (five whole dollars, I know, quite the splurge!) and went to my first yoga class. And it wasn't bad. In fact, I really enjoyed it. I was able to do a lot more than I thought I might be able to do. Including standing on my head with my feet up on the wall. And almost sitting on my hands. Well, I tried at least. And my favorite part was at the end we got to lie there on our mats in the quiet, dim room listening to the quiet music and our breathing and relax for quite some time. It was heavenly.
And tonight I'm going back because I really do need to relax and breathe and exercise. Mostly because I have no other way to care for myself and I must do it. This morning I tried to go to the doctor. I'd gone for my annual exam in February and had blood tests to get baselines and then it was recommended that I establish care with a primary doc here in town. So I made an appointment (which they called and changed once and which took me 2 months to get) and went this morning. I filled out all the ridiculous forms and sat there and waited. And waited and waited. And after an hour and 40 minutes I told them I had to leave. It was ridiculous. I was so angry. Everyone in the waiting room (and it was quite a large room, the practice has a lot of docs) had come and gone but me. And when I inquired at the hour mark I was told there was still someone ahead of me. And I lost it so I left. I was near tears. And the nurse who I saw briefly when I inquired asked me what I was being seen for and I told her to go over lab test results (which ultimately are for the arthritis I am trying to catch early on in my life) she seemed annoyed and asked if I didn't get a letter about them in the mail because that's how they usually handle those things. So obviously I wasn't a priority and was treated as such. Even though I was about to pay good money to see this doctor. I was furious.
So that's the story of why I need yoga. To calm me down and to take care of myself. At least until I move away from this ridiculous city that pretends to have medical care (don't believe me? See the recent news that Yuma is now considered in a state of medical care emergency by the feds. Lucky us.)
I hope you all have a stress free few moments today and try out a yoga class. I love it!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

there is yoga in texas!!!!! come on, come on~!