Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We were talking to my parents tonight and joking around how we were glad we didn't buy our house. Don't get me wrong, I love my little bungalow on Abbey Place. It's the perfect size, it's a great location and it has tons of storage space. Also, two days running, no ants! However, it does have a leaky pipe in the front yard which the nice man from the city assured me today was on the property side, not the city side. Go figure! So I made the comment that I was glad I was renting. My dad wondered how much our house would go for if we were to buy it so I did a little research.

I remembered friends in Yuma using to find out the value of their home versus those of others in their neighborhoods. Guess how much our little house is valued at?!!?!?! $463,000 - yeah, that's right, almost half a million dollars. I can't imagine! We have 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 1,120 square feet. Half a million dollars. Yeah, that's LA for you. I can't even begin to imagine what the houses on the other side of the street go for! (Okay, I looked just now, there are two for sale on Freemont Place, which is just the other side of Olympic (2 blocks from here, our main cross street and they're going for 2.9 and 3 million respectively. Wow!)

So yeah, just some fun facts about the west coast tonight. Oh yeah, we drove to campus tonight after Ang got home from school and I got my parking permit! That's exciting, I can now officially park and not pay per minute. And on our way to and from campus we pass right by the Academy of Motion Pictures building where tonight they are hosting the premiere of Appaloosa, which seems to be a western starring Ed Harris. At 5pm there was a lot of red carpet and paparazzi but no stars yet. Maybe we'll catch sight of some this weekend. It's Emmy weekend here in LA which apparently means lots of people out and about! Maybe we'll crash a party or two;-)


brickmomma said...


Wow, a ral red capret??


brickmomma said...

O helped with that comment! I meant a REAL red carpet!

Justin said...

Sweet! Everyday is an adventure in LA!