Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Homeless Lunch

Every Tuesday for over a decade the Hollywood United Methodist Church has served lunch from it's front gate to anyone who needs it. Today I got to be a part of that lunch by volunteering my time. And can I just say I was once again blown away by God's ability to bless me by the people in His world and by making me remember just how fortunate I am.

First off let me just say that HUMC has their stuff together! These volunteer programs run like a military operation. Everyone gets a job, with a job description (complete with rules!), and they begin and end on time. I got their early this morning and had the opportunity to see how things run in the background a little. Two older women run the program and have for years. Then there's another woman, Jasmine (who, I've been told, was in Rent on Broadway!) who's a full-time volunteer as well. Then there's the people who come every week to help out when they can. This week there was me, Reuben, Chris, Pauley, and Michael. And it was just enough considering we served 120 souls today! (Apparently a world record for Homeless Lunch!)

Reuben and Chris are familiar with the streets but help out often and helped me out a lot, telling me about the people coming through the gates and letting me know how things ran. Every person who wants lunch has to sign his or her name on the clipboard (apparently Denzel Washington came through the line today!) and then they get a sack. In the sack is meat (salmon, chicken, tuna, or Vienna sausages - any of which can be traded for sardines), crackers, cookies, apple sauce or a banana, juice and water. Then they can stop by the hygiene table and the clothing table. This is where some of the rules come into play. Only two clothing items per person per week, only one sack lunch and only one each of the hygiene products. Again, things run smoothly here!

I was helping out with the clothing, all of which had been donated, like everything supplied on Tuesday lunch days. Today it was mostly women's clothing and I helped a lot of people find their sizes, etc. It was truly eye-opening to see the different people come through. Some were obviously living on the streets. They had an odor about them, they looked like they needed a shower, etc. Others looked more put-together, some talked of jobs and job interviews. And then some were evidently junkies, higher than a kite today. All kinds. Most of the people thanked us and were extremely appreciative, others were upset by the lack of clothing (we ran out of socks early on) and certain items (also - razors went quickly). One of the women who came through the line was someone I had worked side-by-side with on Friday preparing lunch for the AIDS clinic and then seen again at church on Sunday. I couldn't believe she's been sleeping on the floor of some building.

We gave away almost everything we had - clothes, books, food, personal items. I know now what to do before next Tuesday - clean out the closets, hunt for bargains at the dollar store and Goodwill, share what I experienced today with others so hopefully they'll donate as well. I mean, it's one thing to hear about the problems of the homeless and it's a whole other thing to see it first hand, to hear about how it's getting cold at night and they just want a blanket or a sweatshirt. I mean I can go to my closet and choose from several of both. These people don't have that.

I know that in life we make choices, each of us make millions of choices that ultimately leads us to where we are at this very moment. I also know that somethings are beyond our control. There are external factors that influence our choices or sometimes make them for us. I know I have absolutely no right to judge any person for their choices or their circumstances but I also know that I have every responsibility to help everyone I can. Today these people made me smile, they made me sad, they made me laugh, they also made me pray. They made me think that God takes care of each of us in His own way and I am so thankful for that. I am also thankful He loves us all, every single one of us.

And He's helping me to learn from all those around me. I loved today when Raoul told us how he'd made a decision not to get high before coming to volunteer so that he wouldn't eat so much food while he was working so that there would be more for everyone else. That impressed me so much because regardless of his choices, his life circumstances, he's trying to make the world better for the people around him. How cool is that?

I'm hoping that I can go back next week. I have two job interviews tomorrow and my prayer is that God will find a way to help me find employment that allows me to continue helping my community because I am so blessed by the people I continue to meet. I'm making some great friends and I know that that's what's important in life. I was fortunate enough to spend this afternoon with some new friends, Pauley and Michael asked me to go to lunch with them afterwards and we were joined by their friend Scott, a producer (who used to work for Camerone Crowe! How cool!). It's truly amazing to me how quickly Angela and I are meeting people and finding community in this huge city. I know it's exactly where we are meant to be at this moment. What a choice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tears in my eyes Sarah. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!