Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm so happy

It's true. I'm happy. For the first time in quite a while I feel totally at ease and content. And I don't even have a job yet! (I am stressed but normal stressed not to the max which I think is good, it's a normal reaction to circumstance.) I had my first class at UCLA tonight and it went well - I have homework, I have to write a story by next week. Actually, the instructions were to write a story tomorrow and then rewrite it every day until it's due next Monday. And when I turn it in I'm to pretend I'm turning it in to Steven Spielberg and make sure it's professional. Yeah, no pressure.

But things are just falling into place. I know how to drive around the city, something that never happened in Yuma, well not too well. I still freaked when trying to get the post office. But tonight I took Ang to a friend's house and then made it to school - on the other side of the city - without a map! And then after school I headed up to Hollywood, drove around till I found parking, and then met Ang and our friends at the local pub. It was so natural, so normal, so comfortable. It feels like I am exactly in the place where I am supposed to be at this moment.

And I'm glad for that. Sometimes, especially as I look around the UCLA campus or even around Beverly Hills or Hollywood I think maybe I missed my chance, maybe I should have come at 20 like others do but tonight I decided no. I wasn't supposed to come here until now. I was supposed to do all the things I did, have all the experiences I had, so I could be here now, in this program, with these people, doing these things.

Tonight we hung out with Sean, Steve, Pauley, Michael, and later Emily. I feel like I've known these people a lot longer than a couple of weeks. I feel accepted and loved (they sent a text message, collectively, five minutes ago to see if we'd gotten home okay!). And I feel like God has a plan. Finally! Not finally that he has a plan but finally that I feel it, I sense it.

I'm finishing my novel, about to start a screenplay, meeting people in the entertainment business and out of it, serving others, being blessed and fed and loved. And it's not to say that I haven't had that where ever I've been because I have. I've had a blessed life that way. I'm just so amazed that I've found it here so quickly. I even reconnected last week with a friend from grad school who just moved out here. I mean things are good!

Okay, off to bed! Homeless lunch and writing tomorrow, then another class! Life is good. God is good. All the time!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you - there's no better feeling than knowing you are where you're supposed to be - even though sometimes it's very hard getting there. D

brickmomma said...

wow- goose bumps all over- i am pumped for you!!!

Justin said...

What's your story about???