Sunday, September 21, 2008

New things

So it was the weekend and that means I went out and did some new things! Yep yep!

Friday night Ang and I hung out with Emily again. We hit Sunset Boulevard and Grauman's Chinese Theater. We had burgers and fries then saw Ghost Town which was funny. There's a bit in it when Ricky Gervais talks about Chinese people and while I know it's probably so un-PC, it was so so funny!

Yesterday we had the roto rooter men come to fix our water main issues which meant lots of loud noise and no water so we headed out. We went to Glendale, which has a beautiful downtown, did a little shopping, and then headed to Burbank. We hit IKEA and a few other stores before heading back home.

Today we went to church for "Homecoming Sunday" which started with a church tour at 9:30. We met a few other newcomers and learned a lot about the Gothic building and the church community. (Bit of trivia - when the Oscars were first held at Grauman's they asked the church to play the nominated songs in the bell tower, the bells had been damaged during an earthquake though and needed to be repaired so the Academy donated half the cost to have them repaired and the organist played the songs for the show!)

I had a great time at church today, mostly because I'm starting to meet people and feel a part of the community there. For example, right before the service Ric, the coordinator of the sandwich making from Friday, came up to me and got me involved in advertising for that ministry. Then I was so warmly welcomed by all of the people I met on Friday, it was so sweet! We sat with a new group of friends and then signed up for a small group and some service projects. Afterwards we went with 9 others to Denny's for lunch where we got a chance to hang out and chat. I'm feeling very blessed today!

So a few new things this weekend! And I have an interview this week, with the Los Angeles Film School (not sure what day yet) so that's exciting!!!!! New things, new things, all good! Oh - and I almost forgot! I ordered new shoes this week and wasn't sure when they came if I could actually wear them. They're 3 inch black patent leather slingback peep toe heels and so cute! But I decided to give it a try today and ended up wearing them (and walking and driving) for over 7 hours. And guess what, my feet are feeling fine! (If you know me and my feet, this never happens, I get blisters just looking at new shoes!) So I am pretty excited about that!!!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

The shoes sound sexy!

Isn't it a great feeling to start feeling a part of a community, especially at church? Yea for you guys!

Love you~