Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bring back radio shows!

Last night Ang and I attended the 3rd Annual Jeff Miller Halloween Radio Shows in Hollywood. And can I just tell you, it was awesome! Our friend Sean was a member of the cast and he invited us and Emily to come to the performance which took place at 11 o'clock at Rocket Video on La Brea (after closing time of course!). We really had no idea what this whole radio show thing entailed but off we went. And I was so glad we did.

This guy Jeff Miller is an author and he manages the video store. Well he'd written three "Traveler's Tales of Mystery" and gotten a bunch of actors (and Sean, who reminds me he's not an actor though he was really really good!) to perform them. They all stood around 2 microphones and he had a bunch of things for sound effects, like a saw, glasses, a door, etc. Just like you'd imagine they'd use in any sound effect situation. And they performed these plays for us and they were great. They were funny and scary (seriously, the one was really really creepy) and the last one even required audience participation (we got to sing the theme song from The Golden Girls!). And in between each of the stories he played old fashioned commercials - one for car parts, another for J-E-L-L-O (all that shimmers is not jello!) and another for cigarettes. So great!

And can I just say, I think last night was what Hollywood's really about, people telling a story. Here were all these actors, giving their all, their hearts to this performance. In a room of about 50 people. Yeah, no one's gonna make their big break in Rocket Video probably. No one was making any money I'd guess, in fact they offered free food and drinks to all! But here were these performers giving us a great show just to entertain us. And that they did. It was awesome!

Also, I love that there are things like this that happen in Los Angeles. I've met so many people who come here from other places (case in point, a lot of people last night were from the east coast) and they come here because they want to be a part of this. They want to be with people who find stories entertaining, who enjoy acting and writing and making art. That is so cool. And I'm so fortunate to be a part of it. So rock on Jeff Miller! I can't wait for the 4th Annual Radio Show!


brickmomma said...

thank you for being a friend...

how cool! reminds me of that part of Annie....

Love you!

brickmomma said...

travel round the world and back again-

is it ok that my eyes teared up when i read your comment back to me?