Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vote early, vote often!!!

No, no, I'm joking!
But seriously?
If you are over 18 and a U.S. citizen YOU MUST VOTE. Because if you don't then you can't complain. Not even a little. I remember in college my golf coach, who was a really great guy, not much older than me, and I would have these intense conversations about politics. And one day I remember asking him about who he voted for and his reply was that he didn't vote. And I was so furious with him. I truly believe that if you can't get off your butt and fill in a couple of lousy circles on a piece of paper, then keep your mouth shut! I've voted in every election I've been able to since I turned 18: city council, school board, president, everything. And I truly believe it matters.

And I voted again today. Ang and I sat down at the kitchen table this morning and spread out our ballots. When we registered our cars and got drivers' licenses in California they asked us if we'd like to vote by mail. Heck yeah I wanted to vote by mail, how much does that rock?!?!? You don't even have to go to the polling place (though I admit, I enjoy that but life is complicated and I also like making sure I get things that are important done ahead of time). So a few weeks ago our ballots, and an information guide, arrived in the mail. And we've been collecting bits of information in the past month to help us make informed decisions - her union's newsletter, mail ads, I even scribbled down some info I heard on a TV commercial.

It didn't take long, about 20 minutes. We used black pens, filled in our dots, talked about the issues, and put them in the mail. As easy as that! It was way more complicated to get a driver's licence. (Let's not talk about failing the test, please.) Then tonight I got this video link from my friend Pauley - check her out on YouTube - which only reinforces the fact that voting is easy. It's free and it lets your voice be heard. Vote for Obama (yes, please! VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!!!), vote for Chuck Baldwin (no, please, DON'T VOTE FOR CHUCK BALDWIN, unless you're Justin and it's too late!), vote for Grover Cleveland, vote for me, I don't care (I mean, I care, I REALLY REALLY CARE and I'll talk to you about it, I WILL, if you want to talk about it) just VOTE. Vote so you can have a voice, so you can say you tried to make a change, you wanted to be a part of the process. Heck vote just so when your guy loses (sorry Justin! (I kid, I kid!)) you can complain and cry and say you tried. VOTE. VOTE VOTE VOTE.

And if you're in California - vote YES on Proposition 2, ending cruelty to animals in the agricultural industry in California. And vote NO on Proposition 8, which seeks to eliminates the rights of people. Plain and simple.

REMEMBER - VOTE. Either today, tomorrow or on November 4th. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!


Anonymous said...

Will Prop 2 end that awful smell that was coming from the cow plantation we drove by last year of the way to SF? Because that is something that really matters. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. -Sus

Rick said...

Wow 8 props! I am glad here in Ferndale, MI we only have 2 props! One is medicinal marijuana, and the other is stem cell research funding.
I can't wait till the 4th to vote at my polling location! The 4th is known as Independence Day in July and this November the 4th will be independence from the Bush Administration! To bad we have to wait till January for the inauguration.