Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Landscaping 2.0

This was our house when we moved in, you all probably remember the post about Bill, our neighbor who trimmed the tree for us! Well, Bill's been at it again. Remember our bushes and all that greenery? Well it's gone...

It's grown on me (ha ha) and it actually looks like people live in the house and care for it (which we do and well, someone cares for it - namely Bill). He's trimmed all the bushes, we've gotten rid of 4 or 5 dumpsters of yard waste and get this: he's now tackling the back yard. I think he gave up asking if it was okay, because I say it's always okay, and the other day I looked out the window and I saw little piles of cuttings, and it's been raked. We don't go out there much but it's starting to look really nice so maybe we will now. And I have no idea when Bill does it, I never see him! (And yes, we're going to do something really nice for Bill, we're working on it!)

It does look really great now, and Bill is resting easy now. His main concern (besides I'm sure how horrible it looked) was that people could hide in our bushes/trees and...well he never went and further beyond the hiding part. But no one can hide now! Least of all Ang nor I! (And no, we still haven't seen the promised gardener that was specified in the lease...don't get me started!)


Justin said...

I especially love the bars on the windows. Nice touch. ;P

Sarah Knapp said...

leave our bars alone! We live in really nice neighborhood!

Sarah Knapp said...

Um, the last comment was from Ang - on my computer. But I agree, our bars are fine. They're an artistic statement:-)

Anonymous said...

Is Bill the Promised Landscaper???? :)D

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet Bill and Bette maybe he can give me some tips when I make my first trip out. mom