Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Day Three and Counting...

Today was my best day so far as a seventh grade teacher. I know, I know. It's not hard to imagine since it's only my third day but I thought today went really well. I only forgot to do one major thing (walk my kids to lunch because there's a new schedule already and they have a new door to go in - but I figure they'll end up eating something either way) and we accomplished quite a bit in each of my three classes!
I had them read a poem today and write a three paragraph response. Some did so great. Some tried really hard. Some have a lot of work to do. But I am not giving up, in fact, we're going to push straight ahead! We're going to start a novel tomorrow, Lois Lowry's The Giver. I checked a class set out from the library today and I can't wait to read to with them tomorrow. We're also going to dive into the textbook tomorrow and start studying plot and conflict in fiction writing.
It was just an overall good day in the room, there were my students - all working away, classical music playing in the background, and I got to read their work and even organize my attendance.
And then I went to our department meeting.
Let's just say meetings never end up well when someone is in tears, someone shows their passive aggressive side, and someone else acts like a donkey (you know what I'm saying).
So yeah - that was a downer. But then we had the meeting after the meeting (you Wesley folks know what I'm talkin' about) and I felt better, like I knew what I needed to do tomorrow (at least) and then I came home.
And guess what - tonight I'm not tired!
I did laundry, I made dinner. I cleaned up. I even got to EMPTY my inbox (there were 29 messages earlier today). And I got to read the news.
So yeah - it does get better. I might not die of exhaustion.
But I sure am glad tomorrow's Thursday!

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