Friday, August 25, 2006

Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage is $5.15/hour. This is not much money. I figured it out last week - I BRING HOME (which is WAY different than what they say your salary will be) $7.28/hour. I find this absurb. Especially since I have to jump through hoops every single day, since I work an average, if not above, 50 hours a week. Since my supposed benefits don't even come close to making up for this terrible pay rate. Health insurance - yeah, great coverage. Yes. Find a doctor who actually charges what the insurance will pay and I'll talk to you. Days off - yeah, ask me when I am here on Saturday and Sundays or am grading tests until 11:30. Planning time - yep. Talk to me on Wednesdays when I have meetings at 8:05 until the bell rings at 8:55 and then meetings again from 2:40 (the bell rings at 2:29) until 4pm.
Can you tell it's a nonpay week. Can you tell we're all a little bitter we have to order pizza tonight and stay in instead of hitting the town. Can you tell I have $29 left in my checkbook:-)
So that's my rant.


brickmomma said...

AMEN, Sister!! At least you can play games in your jammies and won't have to get all prettied up!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

i was reminded at one of our pre meetings by a very wise nun... "blessed be the poor." maybe that will make the situation better? :)

brickmomma said...

well, if it makes you feel any better I have $49.27 in my acct!!!! dangit.