Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Seventh Grade Plague

Yes I've got it. The seventh grade plague. This week has included a stomach bug that kept me in the bathroom all night, the sniffles, and now allergy eyes. Add that to the infestation of crickets in my classroom and I am sure it's a plague - just for me (by the way, plague is one of our spelling words this week!).
So I wore my glasses today and dealt with the barrage of questions that all went like this: "Miss Knapp, you wear glasses?" or and I quote - "Yo teach, what's up with the glasses?" as if I was just wearing them for high fashion or to keep the sun out of my eyes.
But I'm feeling better so the plague may be passing, I lucked out on this one. I can hope to only be so lucky this time.
But in a week that also included a root canal, let's just say God is pressing his luck with me;-)


brickmomma said...

are you feeling better???

Laura said...

I would rather have anything else than the stomach bug. Honestly. That's like the worst thing ever.

Sorry to hear about that and the bug infestation. Now, if you could only teach the crickets to chirp in tune, maybe they could demonstrate Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' or something. Wouldn't that be neat!