Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big news in Yuma

It sprinkled yesterday, yep - a few drops of rain on the sidewalk and today the kids were all a flutter with the news. It's funny, I want to tell them that 4 days of rain or 14 days of rain is news not 10 seconds. But they don't get it here, especially not the kids.
We had a good day, overall - I even got my 1000 words in when I got home. That's my goal: 1000 words a day on either a screenplay or novel. We'll see how it goes.
I did not meet my exercise quota today - only hit 8365 steps or just over 3 miles but my feet hurt by 6th hour and I was home by 4:15 writing so I guess that's ok. We'll try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sometimes it's better just to listen to your body and do what it tells you is best for it.

Like when I'm feeling stiff or achy, I might do some yoga or stretches.