Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I don't know where to begin...

It's 6:59am and I am dressed and ready to go to work. Somedays I barely am ready to go at ten to eight. Today it's super early. There's no rhyme or reason. I got up and walked 4 miles today at 5:30 and I was excited to do so, not really for the health benefits but so I could listen to the latest podcast I'd downloaded. I found UC Berkley's podcasts online and I can listen to a whole host of awesome things there. Last night I found this one entitled "The Bush White House: How Covering the Beat has Changed" - an hour and a half with my the spunky Helen Thomas and several other distinguished journalists. Did you know she has covered 9 presidents and is STILL in the press room. Wow. She covered Kennedy. Yesterday I brought up Kennedy and my kids looked at me like, "Who? What? What's she smoking?"
So yes, very cool podcast. They have others - a whole psyics class, etc. So tonight I'll play and download some more. And they're all FREE! I adore my iPod (Thanks Mom and Dad - you rock!).
Other stuff I am thinking but my brain is going to fast to write more than a few words this morning:
-Last night we watched the Bob Woodruff special on ABC about when he came home from Iraq and his recovery. It was heart-wrenching and angering and as Ang said, "depressing". But necessary all the same. Please pray for Specialist Andrew Hughes. Our families grew up together and he's over there now and was recently attacked by an IED. No severe injuries for him that I am aware of (well not on the brain injury side) but still, it's horrible what's happening.
-We also watched The Unit last night, all about fighting "over there" and it was interesting to see that side of things, even if they are fictional on that show. There was a huge gunfight and Ang was upset and we discussed how America really is becoming desensitized to violence. Well, in our opinions. And how we send so many over there to fight and it's not their job, it's not what they've been trained to do on their 2 weekends a year, and we wonder why it's not going well. I am not in any way blaming the troops - I cannot begin to thank them enough - but our adminstration who sends more and more troops over there to do a job that is unpredictable at best. Ok, off my soapbox.
-My classroom got tagged yesterday. In yellow marker someone wrote South S and it looks like they got stopped before finishing Side. This is a gang here in our area and I was so pissed. They're gonna hear it today - everyone!
-And yesterday I had my 5th schedule observation and it was the 5th time my boss didn't show. Life is so great:-)
-Ok, gotta scoot, Ang needs clothing advice! Have a good day all.

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