Monday, February 12, 2007

Pickled to death

-We are learning about descriptive writing in class this week. Last week we had a lesson on synonyms and using better words to describe things. For our Do Now! work one morning (which is on the board every day, something they have to do to get started immediately without my prompting them) I had them find synonyms for good, bad, happy and sad. One of my students put down the phrase "pickled to death" as a synonym for happy. I couldn't help but smile. I asked him quietly if he meant "tickled to death" and he got this embarrassed smile on his face and said he thought the thesaurus said pickled to death. I thought it was great and laughed about it to myself all day. Priceless.
-Some of you will be happy to know (or at least you'll pretend to be) that I wrote today! Yep, I worked on the novel, on Molly and Crystal's stories. They intertwine somewhat which makes my life oh so confusing. And I have added some side characters from Patricia's story in which makes it just a bit more convuluted. But all in all it went well and I feel rather accomplished. It's not done or anything but I feel like I'm moving forward! And I gotta say, that's better than the alternatives...
-I saw this very white crane today in the front yard of the apartment complex. I tried describing him to my dad who I was on the phone with at the time but I've yet to find out what his name is although I've done some checking. (Not name as in Fred or Louise but type - there, clarification). I actually went out with the digital camera to take a snap of him but as I approached him he flew away. Hmmm, I need to hone my stalking skills. But the kinda creepy guy who smokes outside his corner apartment all the time startled me so maybe that was my problem. I put my camera away and walked swiftly home. I'll keep you updated. On the crane that is, not the creepy guy.
-So most of my kids are failing my class. Literally getting an F. This hurts me. And I know it's not me, it's them not doing their homework, them not taking their time on essays and tests but they'll get the wrath anyway tomorrow when I print out grade sheets and make all the Ds and Fs get them signed and stay after school for the next few weeks. I will not let them fail gosh darnit! I will not!
-I went to the doctor today and got a pretty clean bill of health although I need to have some standard blood tests done tomorrow. So I am fasting for that right now. I was encouraged to take calcium supplements, 1000-1500mgs a day. So I went right to Walgreens and got me a big bottle of 400 pills, 600mgs each and I promptly took 2 so I think I'm good. That means I am now taking a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, vitamin E and calcium supplements. Ang thinks I am crazy but I told her the nurse practitioner told me I could even take Flinstones as long as I took something. She thought that sounded terrif so she got some Flinstones on her way home and guess what, she hates the taste! Hehe. A well spent 5 bucks:-)
-I got a new pedometer this weekend, the 6 dollar one lasted 3 days and then quit counting steps so I got a 20 dollar one I am hoping lasts much longer. I am shooting for 10,000 steps a day and I'll report back so someone challenge me!
-We had a Netflix discussion tonight. We're winding down our time in Stars Hollow with the Gilmore Girls (and there was much sadness!) so we have to beef up our cue. Ang is not terribly impressed with my movie selections (i.e., Say Anything and Drumline and some independents (Half Nelson) which I have never seen but would like to) so we added some new TV: the last of The Sopranos and House. We'll see how those go. Suggestions are widely encouraged:-)
-Another thing I learned at the doctor today: underwire bras are bad for you. I never knew this! All my life I've been thinking I had to wear them and turns out nope, they are not good and should only be worn for a night out on the town. I was instructed to spend some money on some good sports bras instead. Hmmm. I liked that thought:-)
-Alrighty, I am signing off for the night. I have to be at the lab at 7:30 to give blood and then it's a 9 and a 1/2 hour day at school (afterschool program's running twice this week for me!). Whew...'Night all!

1 comment:

Laura said...

TV suggestions (I forget what you watch regularly) and the number of seasons available on DVD:
Veronica Mars - two seasons
Supernatural (you knew I was going to say that) - one season
Lost - I lost track - I think two
Bones - one season

So see, you can catch up on more good TV pretty quickly!!