Saturday, February 24, 2007

Jury Duty and other stuff on my mind

So I went to sleep at 9:30 last night. I am a party animal. We did go out to Lute's Casino with some friends from work and enjoy dinner and some great conversation, lots of laughs, etc. Then we came home and tried to watch Man about Town. This is a movie I have been wanting to see since I heard it was in the works and then it was never released on the big screen - straight to DVD. Not sure why. It's a Mike Bender film (he writes, directs, and is a major supporting actor in it) and I loved him last The Upside of Anger. Loved, loved, loved it. But I fell asleep. I do not blame the movie or Ben Affleck (whom you know I adore) but rather this insane week. So I went to bed. And proceeded to sleep for 10 straight hours. Wow, guess I was tired.
So I woke up and immediately had to start writing my jury duty letter so I can mail it today so I don't go to jail. Angela and I were both summonsed for jury duty on July 1, 2007. I would love to serve on a jury, I find it fascinating, especially if it's anything like a John Grisham novel or Twelve Angry Men or Law and Order. But not in July. This is our month off, our summer vacation. I'd already been pricing plane tickets that would take us to Michigan right when school got out then to Texas to see Brick #3 for the first time and to celebrate the 4th of July with them and then back here. So this really puts a wrench in things. Big time and I am so not impressed.
So I wrote a letter explaining I need to go home to see my parents who are in poor health (go with me folks) and am hoping for mercy. Please hope with me.
So it's now Saturday, and I am headed to school to help Ang and Shannon out with their career ladder stuff (a horrible, evil program that the district forces new teachers into). Then we'll see what the day unfolds!
Later gators!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

aren't they being just a bit too planned ahead to call jurors for July??? You MUST come to Texas, tell them the ADA here said so :)