Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just because

I really don't have much to blog about today. Nothing exciting has happened, not much new to report here though it is sunny and 80 degrees. But I kinda miss the snow and cold of the north. I know, I know, if I was there I surely would be singing a different tune. But I'm not there and part of me misses my fleece bathrobe and my turtleneck sweater and my wool socks. Here I sit in my summer pjs with the window open because it's 65 at 10pm. Don't hate me because I live in the southwest!
I am feeling moderately better though everytime I blow my nose my kids cringe and I woke up this morning with a sore throat, a new symptom this time 'round. I came home tonight, made a stir-fry and collapsed on the couch with some Gilmore Girls. (We taped Lost and will try to avoid all spoilers until we watch it, probably on Friday.)
Well this was a boring blog but it's all I've got. I'm a little off my game because of this whole plague part 3 thing going on. I'll work out some better stuff for tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

lost was good! glad you are feeling a bit better. we are getting there, at least i am still not sick!