Sunday, May 28, 2006

"And I'll Stand Up"

This morning at church we had a very lovely tribute to Memorial Day - a teenage girl signed the along to Lee Greenwood's song I'm Proud to Be an American. Here's the funny part (and I realize that only 3 people besides me in the whole world will think this is hysterical but 2 of them read this blog so it's okay):
As soon as we got to the part in the song where he sings "and I'll stand up" I started looking around for someone to stand up on their chair. Because that's what Angela used to do in her interpretative dance of this song in the early 90s, the first time we were in this war.
So yeah - good times. Just thought I'd share. It's an awesome song, don't get me wrong, but I'll always be looking for Angela to get up on a chair when I hear those lyrics:-)


Anonymous said...

I have a similar story with that song. My mom used to babysit a girl from our church who used to sing that song and stand up straight when she got to that part. Must be a little kid thing. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would have proudly stood up on a chair with you. --Sus